GNC National Service Scheme – Mega Blood Donation Camp…


The National Service Scheme of Guru Nanak College organized a MEGA Blood Donation Camp on 10-11-2022 at Guru Teg Bahadur Auditorium. This Camp was coordinated by the NSS Programme officers Dr.P.Nedumaran, Dr.S.Athilinga Senjith, Dr.A.Amala Lourthuraj, and Dr.K.Muthupandi. Dr.Vaneeta Aggarwal, NSS Coordinator, University of Madras and Dr.M.G.Ragunathan Principal, Guru Nanak College were inaugurated the Camp and encouraged the students to donate blood. Students of Guru Nanak College donated blood to Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital (435 Units), Kilpauk Medical College (151 Units), Government Kasturba Gandhi Hospital for Women and Children (100 Units), Royapettah Government Hospital (196 Units), Adyar Cancer Institute (127 Units) respectively. Totally 1009 Units of Blood donated by our Students during this camp. Every year Guru Nanak College sets a benchmark by donating high units of blood, regarding this we have Received Awards for the past couple years.