Guru Nanak College -School of Information Technology had organized a three days Faculty Development Programme to enrich the Emotional Intelligence of Faculties different colleges in collaboration with ICT Academy.Thirty five faculties from various Arts & Science Colleges and Engineering Colleges participated.
        The Inauguration event was held at   Guru Ramdass Hall.  Deans of Schools and HODs of various departments graced the occasion. Dr. AvvaiKothai, Principal-in-charge gave the Welcome Address and Dr. P.V.Kumaraguru, Controller of Examinations gave the special address. Mrs. Nirmala Devi, Dean-IT introduced the Chief Guest. 	
         ICT Academy  Mr.K.Nirmal Kumar,In the FDP, the trainer explained about various emotions and the need to be emotionally intelligent.  He had also explained about Physiology of Brain and their role in emotions. The trainer also explained about Transaction Analysis and explained it through Activities. He had also explained about managing emotions and how to deal with students in classroom.
	The Valedictory event was held at Discussion Room in Guru Amardas Block.  Dr.SwatiPaliwal, IQAC Co-ordinator , Dr. P.V.Kumaraguru, COE and Mrs. Nirmala Devi, Dean-IT graced the occasion. Faculties from Arts and Science colleges and Engineering colleges gave their feedback about the FDP and praised the trainer. Dr. M. Devaraj, Asst. professor in Tamil Department proposed the Vote of Thanks.